Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Michael's 16th Birthday!!!!

Ooooppps! I forgot to post Michael's birthday! Sorry about that brother.

He got sung to by the restaurant waiters :-)

Happy 16th birthday big bro!!!

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Years!!!!

Happy New Years!!!!!!!!
Man, can you believe its already 2012?? Ha! I can :-) 
My dad wrote a blog post on how our year went. Here is the link if you wanna check it out.

So, this year we had a "popcorn party" with just our family. It was pretty fun :-)

Four  different kinds of popcorn.
Left to right: Chili Lime (which was odd :-D), Chocolate,Cheddar, and Kettle Corn. 

Oh and some White Sparkling grape juice